Warsaw, 28 April 1947. A member of the Warsaw District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, Halina Wereńko, heard the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:
Name and surname Marian Weiss
Name of parents | Antoni and Anna, née Białas |
Date of birth | 28 January 1899 in Rzeszów |
Religious affiliation | Evangelical-Reformed |
Place of residence | Warsaw, Olimpijska Street 31 |
Education | doctor of laws |
Occupation | administrator of the state estate at Koźmin, Grójec county |
During the German occupation, one of the residents of Anin, near Warsaw, Jadwiga Cieplińska, was in close relations with an SS officer, Wilhelm Erle, who was working for the Gestapo at aleja Szucha 25. Currently Jadwiga Cieplińska has left, and her flat in Wawer on Cedrowa Street is now occupied by her mother, Fijałkowska.
Wilhelm Erle was from Pabianice, near Łódź, and before the war of 1939 he had been a Polish citizen of German origin. I learned from the neighbors of Cieplińska (for instance Henryk and Izabela Rosińscy) that during the German occupation in the years 1940–1944, Wilhelm Erle took part in the round-ups of Polish people and interrogated those arrested at aleja Szucha. Due to his high position, Erle lived a lavish lifestyle, and Cieplińska received many valuable presents from him, such as furs, dresses, jewelry. At the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising he was at aleja Szucha 25.
Currently Henryk Rosiński works for the board of the Spirits Monopoly at Leszno Street 1 in Warsaw.
At this point the report was concluded and read out.