Warsaw, 15 November 1949. Irena Skonieczna (MA), acting as a member of the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, interviewed the person named below, who testified as follows:

Name and surname Jan Woś
Date and place of birth 9 May 1907, Grabów on Pilica
Parents’ names Józef and Aniela, née Czerwińska
Father’s profession laborer
Citizenship and nationality Polish
Religion Roman Catholic
Education 6 classes of elementary school
Occupation upholsterer
Place of residence Warsaw, Konopczyńskiego Street 5/7, flat 1
Criminal record none

When the Warsaw Uprising broke out, I was at home at Konopczyńskiego Street 5/7. Until 6 September 1944 this area was controlled by insurgents. A hospital for the severely wounded had been set up in the basements of house no. 5/7. However, I do not remember who administered the hospital. The lightly wounded were located on the second floor. Another hospital was established in the neighbouring house, that is no. 3 at Konopczyńskiego Street. Many insurgents perished during the fighting and their bodies – just as those of the civilians who had died or perished during the Uprising – were buried in the square next to our home.

On 5 September, a Sunday, the Germans launched the final attack on our street from the direction of Krakowskie Przedmieście Street. At that point the major commanding the insurgents ordered the civilian population to withdraw from the area. Some of them obeyed the order. I, however, remained until the next day. I withdrew when the Germans were taking control of our street, trying to get over Aleje Jerozolimskie, towards the insurgents. Only the wounded – together with the hospital staff – remained in our street.

After the Uprising I learned from members of the hospital personnel and wounded, who would visit us frequently, that the hospital had been evacuated, but I do not remember where to.

I did not hear about any crimes committed in this area.

At this point the report was brought to a close and read out.