17 January 1950, Warsaw. Trainee Judge Irena Skonieczna, acting as a member of the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, interviewed the person named below, who testified as follows:

Name and surname Tadeusz Górecki
Data and place of birth 18 October 1919 Radomsko
Parents’ names Józef and Mariana, née Dryga
Father’s profession Carpenter
State affiliation and nationality Polish
Religious affiliation Catholic
Education 6 grades of elementary school
Occupation Chauffeur
Place of residence Warsaw, Żelazna Street 74, flat 10
Criminal record None

When the Warsaw Uprising broke out, I was in the Hala Mirowska, from where I didn’t manage to return home at Żelazna Street. For two days I stayed at Chłodna Street and then I used the basements to get through to my house at Żelazna Street 74. The Germans had already appeared on the odd-numbered side of Żelazna Street and the gate of our house was locked. On the morning of 7 August, at 7.00 a.m., the Germans set out to take over a further part of Żelazna Street. For this reason, almost all the residents of our house (about 30 people in total) went out through the basements into Ogrodowa and Solna streets, and then took the road in the direction of Leszno Street. We got to house no. 6, where I stayed until 17 August. That day, the Germans seized control of Leszno Street. We were all ordered to leave our houses and the Germans marched us to the church in Wola. The women were separated from the men already at the church in Leszno Street and escorted immediately to the Western Railway Station, from where they were transported to Pruszków.

The Germans picked 28 men from the church in Wola and took them to the Phillips factory at Karolkowa Street. I worked at the factory for five weeks. Then I went to Piastów.

After the Uprising, when I returned to Warsaw, I learned from the people who had stayed longer at Żelazna 74, that the Germans ordered them to leave the house and to go in the direction of Prosta Street, to the area controlled by the insurgents.

At this point the report was brought to a close and read out.