Warsaw, 26 July 1948. Judge Halina Wereńko, a member of the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Warsaw, interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the obligation to tell the truth, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Marek Edelman
Parents’ names Natan Feliks and Cecylia, née Perkowska
Date of birth 1 January 1919, Warsaw
Religious affiliation none
Education 4th year of medical studies
Occupation student
Citizenship Polish
Nationality Jewish
Place of residence Łódź, Mostowa Street 34a

I have no knowledge regarding the camp for the Jews established in Opole Lubelskie. I stayed in the Warsaw Ghetto throughout its existence (from its inception to 10 May 1943), where I was a member of the Jewish Combat Organization [ŻOB]. During the expulsions of the Jews from the Ghetto, I would go to the Umschlagplatz on behalf of the Bund [Jewish socialist party], starting on 28 July 1942. From October 1942 on, I did it on the orders from ŻOB.

My task was to get those who might be helpful for the organization out of the Umschlagplatz. At that time I recorded my impressions from the Umschlagplatz, placing special emphasis on the way the expulsions were carried out.

My notes should be in the Archives of the Central Bund Committee, headed by citizen Berensztejn. The expulsion of the Jews from the Ghetto was described in detail as early as 1942. That year saw the publication of the booklet entitled Likwidacja getta warszawskiego [Liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto] and authored by A.M. He was an Aryan who would go to the Ghetto. The booklet was published on the Aryan side. This year, in the 19 April issue of the “ Nasze Słowo” [Our Word] weekly (editorial office: Łódź, Jaracza Street 4) published the booklet in its entirety.

Except for the sources mentioned above, some knowledge regarding both the number of the Jews dispatched from the Umschlagplatz as well as the destinations of these transports is to be derived from Höfle’s report.

Dispatched to Berlin towards the end of September 1942, Höfle’s report covers the expulsions of the Jews from the Ghetto from 22 June 1942 to 13 September 1942.

I saw the copy of the report in the spring of 1943 at the ŻOB headquarters.

One can hardly reproduce details of the expulsions relying only on memory, and it is especially difficult to remember the number of those who were expelled. I remember that after 22 July 1942, the Jews were sent to Treblinka. In November 1942 (probably on 15 November) about 150 people were sent to the KL Lublin concentration camp. From 18 January to 22 January 1943 the Jews were sent to Treblinka and after 19 April 1943 to Poniatowa, Trawnik, Majdanek and Treblinka.

I don’t remember the exact number of those who were expelled. It seems that about 15,000 Jews were sent to Trawniki and the same number Poniatowa.

At this point the report was concluded and read out.