Bolesław Napieraj
Class 5
Jaworska Wola, 15 November 1946

Memories of German crimes

The Polish nation suffered slavery for six years. Millions of Poles perished at the time. Many people died from hunger and cold in the camps, while others were hanged or burned in special ovens. A lot of people were killed without a reason. To torment the Poles, [the Germans] imposed large meat and grain quotas and various taxes. Yet the Polish nation survived these six years of slavery.

Unable to overcome the German terror, both the young and the old joined the partisans and hid in the forests. Many partisans were killed in skirmishes with the Germans. For any crime, the German gendarmes took [from the house] and murdered not only the guilty party, but also the entire family. They also took away the health of our dearest daddy, and I was orphaned along with two brothers and one sister.

Yet the Polish people have lived to see freedom and liberty. The orphans cheered up when the last shots rang out and the Krauts capitulated. Now only white and red banners are flying in the liberated territories of our beloved Poland. The schoolchildren no longer study in hiding. The schools of the plundered state are bustling with work and study.