Warsaw, 18 December 1945. The investigating judge, Alicja Germasz, heard the person mentioned below as a witness. After informing the witness about the criminal liability for giving false testimony and about the meaning of the oath, the judge took the witness’s oath, who then testified as follows:

First name and surname Maria Iwanicka
Date of birth 27 January 1913
Parents’ names Piotr and Helena
Place of residence Warszawa, Szustra Street 18 flat 1
Occupation recording clerk for the Polish Red Cross

Education Vocational school No. III

Religious affiliation Roman Catholic

Criminal record none

In August 1945, I was present as a recording clerk for the Polish Red Cross during the exhumation carried out by the City Funeral Service at Świętokrzyska Street (at the corner of Szkolna Street). From a hole in the roadway, about ten human corpses were recovered; these were just the remains – individual bones, skulls – the bodies weren’t preserved. One of the corpses was identified on the basis of a document found in what was left of the clothes.

The place of exhumation was indicated by a PKO janitor (I don’t know his name) who was with the PKO during the uprising.

The exhumation reports are with the Polish Red Cross.

No doctor was present at the exhumation.

The report was read out.