Kielce, 5 November 1948. Jan Zielono from the Citizens’ Militia Station in Kielce, with the participation of court reporter Edward Pękalski, interviewed the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of Article 140 of the Penal Code, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Wiktoria Przybylska, née Dąbrowska
Parents’ names Wojciech and Antonina
Age 62 years old
Place of birth Kielce
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation housewife
Place of residence Kielce, Szydłówek Dolny Street 21
Relationship to the parties son

On 7 August 1944, my son Tadeusz Przybylski, a resistance fighter, was caught by German Gestapo men when walking to join his unit. He had pharmaceutical instruments with him, which he was carrying to the above-mentioned unit.

My son was executed at the Stadium in Kielce on 10 August 1944 together with his friends, Antoni Adamczyk and Jan Motyka.

I have nothing more to add.