On 10 June 1947 in Pińczów, the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Radom with its branch office in Pińczów, represented by Judge M. Gallewicz, interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Jan Adamczyk
Age 46
Parents’ names Michał and Józefa
Place of residence Niegosławice, Złota commune
Occupation farmer, leader of Złota commune
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic

During the German occupation, I was permanently residing in Złota commune. I know that several Jews were shot dead in the territory of Złota commune, probably in 1943. They were buried on the spot. Jews would usually hide in the state forest, in caves, etc. I don’t know if any Russian POWs, or how many, were executed in the state forest in 1944. In 1943 in Nieprowice, the Wąsik family, i.e. three people, father, mother and son, were executed in the field and buried in the cemetery in Chroberz. In the fall of 1944 the following people were murdered by the German Gestapo because they had been in the basement of a manor in Złota for being members of the resistance: Daniel Krawczyk from Niegosławice, Stefan Szumiał from Złota, Rzepa from Złota, and Kobus from Graby. They were tortured, and had their arms and legs broken. Some of the bodies were stolen and buried in the cemetery.

Some time later, also in the fall of 1944, the following people from Krzczonów, Złota commune, were executed for resistance activities: two with the surname Stoksik, Wróbel, Pszczoła and one other person – collected by family and buried in the cemetery.

During the occupation, in 1944, there were two labor camps. One was located in the elementary school in Złota village, with sanitary facilities [?]. Several hundred people passed through that camp. They dug trenches, anti-tank ditches and bunkers. They were insufficiently fed. The other labor camp – more or less the same, maybe a little bit bigger – was located in Żurawniki. Only Poles from villages in the vicinity were kept in the camps, and they all managed to escape when the Germans fled. There were several roundups. One hundred and thirty-two people were sent to labor in Germany. Most of them came back. Eleven people were taken away to penal camps. Whether all of them returned remains unknown. There were four cases of the exaction of tribute; the Germans took 61,000 (sixty-one thousand zlotys) for the running of an underground school.

I would like to add that there are graves in the state forest, quite a lot of them. They are marked with crosses. People were buried naked, without coffins, so there is nothing left of the bodies. Now there is no trace of the human bodies.