Warsaw, 21 February 1946. Judge St. Rybiński, member of the Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes, interviewed the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the significance of the sworn declaration and of the criminal liability for making false statements, the witness was sworn and testified as follows:

Name and Surname Józefa Moroz née Więckowska
The date of birth 7 June 1898
Parents’ names Ignacy and Maria Meredyk
Occupation Household duties
Education Secondary
Religious affiliation Catholic
Criminal record none

I have appeared before the Commission following the press announcement. I am presenting a document confirming my identity (presented).

My husband, Aleksander Moroz, born in 1896, a Treasury official and accountant, didn’t report to work at the Treasury during the German occupation. Karol Janocha, who had also worked as a Treasury official once, persuaded my husband to join the trading company that he had set up. The company was a fancy goods wholesaler, located at Żelaznej Bramy Square 9. My husband began to work there as an accountant in 1941. At first he was paid no more than 200 zlotys per month.

I lived with my husband and my two sons in Piastów, and I still live there.

The moment my husband started working for the wholesaler he revealed to me that Janocha was doing deals with the Germans, whom he served food and drinks, and that he got some “phoney” money for such “deals.” My husband also told me that other workers, including himself, had nothing to do with these “deals” and that Janocha was the person responsible.

Because Janocha claimed that these “deals” were to the Germans’ detriment, we saw no reason to condemn his behavior.

On 10 January 1944, a trade commission conducted an inspection of the wholesaler. The inspectors were critical of the way it was run. The inspection was carried out in the presence of Janocha’s wife. Janocha knew very well that his behavior was a threat to the company. Merchants from the neighboring shops tried to persuade him to be more cautious, but he disregarded their warnings, only no longer showing up at his company.

On 11 January 1944, my husband went to Warsaw on business and did not return to Piastów that day. The following day I went to Warsaw and learned that he had been arrested in the company building along with Janocha’s wife and Stanisław Ochmański, Bronisław Oziembły, Hanna Bocewicz and Sajkowicz (I don’t know her first name), all of whom worked for the wholesaler. Janocha himself was absent and thus managed to avoid arrest.

I don’t know whether Janocha was a Volksdeutch. Janina Górska, who lives at Wolska Street 82 in Warsaw, told me that Janocha had confessed to her to being a Volksdeutch and that once the Poles were back in control of the country he would become a good Pole.

I know for sure that Janocha’s brother, Paweł, was a Reichsdeutsch, first working as an official in the General Government in Kraków and then joining the German army.

After my husband’s arrest I went to Janocha, pressing him to try to secure the release of my husband and the other workers. He assured me he was doing his best to get them released and told me to abstain from doing anything because I might ruin the whole thing and he had one kilogram of gold set aside [to set them free]. This situation lasted until 28 January when lists of names of people the Germans had executed or were holding prisoner were posted up around Warsaw. Ochmański, Oziębło and my husband were among those imprisoned. However, they all appeared on the list of people executed, which was put up on 31 January 1944. The list provided the date of the execution – 28 January.

I don’t know how many people were shot at the time, but there was only one execution that day, on Aleje Jerozolimskie, near the corner of Marszałkowska Street. Ochmański was 18 years old and Oziembło was 27.

Ochmański’s family live at Koźmińska Street 2, but I don’t know the location of Oziembło’s home. Ochmański worked for the firm as an office boy in order to secure a labor card for himself. Oziembło was a sales assistant. I don’t know what happened to Janocha’s wife. Hanna Bocewicz and Sajkowicz were taken to the Ravensbrück camp and have not yet returned.

Janocha’s brother, Paweł, relying on his connections as a German soldier, arranged for Janocha to get back the keys to his private apartment and to his firm. Janocha had his firm renovated. He now lives with his brother at his sister’s home in Katowice at Kilińskiego Street 28, flat 8.

When I called for him to compensate me for my husband’s death, he gave me, in November 1945, 10,000 zlotys – three months of my husband’s pay. When I claimed further allowance he promised to pay me that month, but began yelling at me and, refusing to give me any money, said that my husband had been executed through his own fault. However, there can be no doubt that my husband was arrested because of Janocha’s “deals” and that it was Janocha who was responsible for what had happened. The arrest was followed by execution, for which Janocha cannot be blamed.

I know that Janocha was great friends with Kaczmarek (I don’t know his name), a Pole displaced from Poznań, a Gestapo informer. Everyone knew about it and the Underground decided to eliminate him. During the attempt on his life, which took place on Grzybowski Square, in Kaczmarek’s shop, the Underground accidentally killed his father and Kaczmarek escaped unhurt. He is believed to be hiding somewhere near Warsaw, a fact which even Janocha admitted.

Sajkowicz lives in Włochy, near Warsaw, 64 or 46, flat 2, and Bocewicz lives in Warsaw in Grochów at Dobrowoja Street 13, unless she has already gone to the West.

I wish to add that in 1941 in conversation with Janocha, my husband had said that he saw no difference between German and Soviet culture, and Janocha, who had been praising German culture and everything German replied: if we were not in my brother’s firm, you would be hanged for saying such things.

The report was read out.

I am providing the address from a package addressed to Janocha.