Kielce, 15 May 1948 at 10.00 p.m. Jan Zielono from the Investigative Office of the Citizens’ Militia in Kielce, with the participation of court reporter Zygmunt Winter, interviewed the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of Article 140 of the Penal Code, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Zychwred Lamcha
Parents’ names Jakób and Stanisława, née Kroc
Age 33 years old
Place of birth Germany
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation mechanic
Place of residence Kielce [...]
Relationship to the parties none

On 14 October 1943, along with Stanisław Podolski and Zygmunt Polak, I was arrested by the Gestapo and incarcerated in Kielce prison. I shared my cell with Bolesław Malta who was arrested on the same day. All the men arrested that day faced charges of being part of the Union for Armed Struggle.

In addition to charges regarding the affiliation with the Union for Armed Struggle, Bolesław Malta was also accused of having ties to the communist movement. He was "examined" three times (torturous interrogation), and severely beaten during his confrontation with a Gestapo informer, [...]. I wish to point out that his "examinations" took place at the end of October 1943 and until 14 December he stayed in his cell.

On 14 December 1943, Gestapo-men arrived in their cars and took away Bolesław Malta and others. When new prisoners joined me in my cell, I learned that Malta had been killed and buried in Herby. Hodorowski and Zdrojewski were taken along with Malta but I don’t know where they were buried.

The report was read out.