Łopuszno, 30 November 1946, 10.00 p.m. Edward Kaczor from the Citizens’ Militia in Łopuszno interviewed the person named below as a witness, who testified as follows:

Name and surname Stanisław Bekiel
Parents’ names Teofil and Marianna
Age 51 years old
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation employee at the Communal Management Board
Education three-year training at the City School in Ostrowiec
Place of residence Łopuszno, Łopuszno commune, Kielce district

In the area of the Łopuszno commune, from 1941 to July 1944, the German gendarmerie from Łopuszno carried out mass arrests of the Polish population from the subordinate communes which included: Łopuszno Snochowice, Zajączków, Piekoszów and Mnichów. Those arrested were brought to Łopuszno, locked up in dark basements and set upon by dogs. The number of those whom the Germans arrested came to about 1,500 people. Beaten and maltreated, they were sent either to Auschwitz, from where they haven’t returned, or taken out of Łopuszno, in groups of 10-15, and executed.

Some of the victims of these executions were taken care of by their families and were laid to rest in parish cemeteries near Łopuszno commune – in Eustachow, Grabownica, Michala Góra and Antonielow. I am unable to say how many people were buried in these graves.

In 1942, the Germans set up a concentration camp for those who failed to provide the obligatory supplies of various products. The people brought to the camp were from various areas and usually had a few weeks to serve there. The total number of those who stayed in the camp was about 250 people.

I have nothing more to add. The report was read out and signed.