In Słupia Nowa on this day, 4 November 1947, at 10.00 a.m., I, Władysław Słowiński from the Citizens’ Militia Station in Słupia Nowa, acting on the basis of the following: Article 20 of the provisions introducing the Code of Criminal Procedure and Article 257 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, due to the unavailability of a judge in the township, in consequence whereof any delay could result in the disappearance of traces or evidence of a crime, which traces or evidence would cease to exist before the arrival of a judge, observing the formal requirements set forward in Articles 235–240, 258 and 259 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, with the participation of reporter Kazimierz Probrotyn from the Citizens’ Militia Station in Słupia Nowa, whom I informed of his obligation to attest to the conformity of the report with the actual course of the procedure by his own signature, have heard the person named below as a witness. The witness, having been advised of the importance of the oath, swore the requisite oath, and was also notified of the right to refuse testimony for the reasons set forward in Article 104 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and of the criminal liability for making false declarations, this pursuant to the provisions of Article 140 of the Penal Code, thereupon stating:

Name and surname Stefan Czajkowski
Parents’ names Jan and Józefa, née Domagała
Age 36 years
Date and place of birth 31 May 1911, Baszowice
Religion Roman Catholic
Occupation farmer
Place of residence Baszowice, commune of Słupia Nowa, district of Kielce
Relationship to the parties none
As regards the present case, I am aware of the following facts: This was in 1945, but I do

not remember the exact date. While I was at the “Staszic” coal mine on official business in my capacity as head of the commune, I learned from Józef Kręcina and Henryk Machajski, resident at the “Staszic” coal mine, commune of Słupia Nowa, that during the German occupation there was an unused pit shaft, some 40 m deep, which was located in a field, approximately 200 m from the “Staszic” coal mine. I was further informed by the abovementioned that the Germans would bring people to this shaft, mainly of Jewish ethnicity, whom they would shoot close to the shaft. The abovementioned also told me that one day, I do not remember the exact date, but this was during the occupation, the Germans turned up with 3 people of Jewish ethnicity, whom they had caught in the forest. They brought these people up to the pit shaft and ordered them to jump into it. When they refused, the Germans shot at them, and thereafter pushed them into the shaft. I would like to add that the Germans who carried out the execution are unknown to me. More information could be provided by the eyewitnesses – Józef Kręcina and Henryk Machajski, at the time resident at the “Staszic” coal mine in the commune of Słupia Nowa.

I have testified all the facts known to myself. At this point the report was brought to a close, read out and signed.