about the camps

Location: Sielec
Commune: Chotel
District: Pińczów
Voivodeship: Kielce

1. Name of the camp:

Labor camp.

2. Location of the camp:

In Sielec.

3. Camp dimensions:

50m x 50m.

4. Date camp established:

Around 15 October 1944.

5. Date camp shut down:

28 December 1944.

6. Were the people at the camp only Poles, only Polish Jews, or Poles and Jews from Poland?

Only Poles from Starachowice.

7. Were there any foreigners at the camp? If so, who were they? Were there Jews from abroad? How many?


8. What was the average population of the camp?

70 people.

9. How many people passed through the camp during its existence?

82 people.

10. What happened to the prisoners when the camp was shut down?

They were moved to Szczerbaków, Grolniki commune, Stopnica district.

11. Did the prisoners work in the camp? What sort of work was it? What workshops were there?


12. Did the prisoners work outside of the camp? What sort of work was it and where?

They built the roads from Wiślica to Szczerbaków.

13. How were the prisoners fed?


14. Was there an infirmary or a hospital in the camp?

There was an infirmary.

15. Were there any epidemics in the camp? What were they?


16. Is there any data regarding mortality in the camp?


17. Were there executions in the camp or outside of the camp? How were they carried out?

No. One prisoner was shot dead by a guard while trying to escape.

18. Were the corpses destroyed? How and where?

No, they were buried at a cemetery.

19. Was there a crematorium in the camp?


20. Has it been established where the corpses of the murdered and the deceased were buried (name the places)?

They were buried in the parish cemetery.

21. What is the current state of the camp? What was destroyed? What is currently to be found at the site of the camp?

The buildings formerly occupied by the camp are currently used by their respective

owners. There were no appliances.

22. Has any material evidence been preserved (documents, former belongings of the people who were murdered, etc.)? What and where is it? Has it been secured?


23. Do you know the names and, if applicable, the addresses of the people who were kept in the camp (state them below)?


24. Do you know the names of the Germans, the chief of the camp, and other functionaries (give the names, ranks)?


On 19 October 1945 the contents of the above questionnaire were formally confirmed by the leader of the Chotel Commune, Józef Madej, in front of the Municipal Court in Pińczów.