1. [Personal details:]

Artillery Corporal Ignacy Raszka, 42 years old, farmer, married; field post number: 163.

2. [Date and circumstances of arrest:]

I was transported with my family on 10 February 1940 as a settler.

3. [Name of the camp, prison, place of forced labor:]

I was placed in the rural settlement of Kharitonovo, Solvychegodsky district, Arkhangelsk Oblast.

4. [Description of the camp, prison:]

The rural settlement was in the forest, we were living in wooden dwellings filled with bedbugs. Nine persons in one dwelling.

5. [Composition of prisoners, captives, deportees:]

Poselentsy [political prisoners] mixed with Ukrainians. The local inhabitants were hostile towards us.

6. [Life in the camp, prison:]

We all had to work, our income amounted three to four rubles a day. I managed to earn enough for a kilogram of bread, water was free because a river was nearby. I was selling remnants of clothes and was making shoes out of old wadded sleeves.

7. [The NKVD authorities’ attitude towards the Poles:]

The NKVD was hostile towards Poland and the Poles.

8. [Medical care, hospitals, mortality:]

Medical care was minimal. Around thirty persons died due to the lack of it: Łubek, Bentkowski, Lipowski, Lipowska, Jabłoński and others.

9. [What kind of contact, if any, was there with your family and country?]

I didn’t have any contact with our country.

10. [When you were released and how did you get to the army?]

I was released after the amnesty was declared. Then, begging for bread, I managed to transport my family to the Karakalpak Republic where I worked in the kolkhoz. Afterwards, I volunteered for the army in Guzar.

Quarters, 16 March 1943