In Białaczów on this day, 19 September 1948, at 12.00 p.m., Superintendent S.Wach from the Citizen’s Militia Station in Białaczów, with the participation of reporter Jerzy Galant, heard the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of Article 140 of the Penal Code, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Stanisław Czechowicz
Parents’ names Wojciech and Tekla, née Mamer
Age 65 years old
Date and place of birth 1883, Białaczów, Opoczno district
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation farmer-bricklayer
Place of residence Białaczów settlement, Opoczno district
Relationship to the parties none

As to the execution by shooting of 18 partisans, including their commander, Góral, I know that on 9 May 1944 at 4.00 a.m., the partisans came to Kolonia Ludwików, Sworzyce commune, Końskie district, in order to take some rest. At 5.00 a.m., the gendarmerie from Końskie and the army surrounded Kolonia Ludwików from four sides and opened fire on the partisans.

The battle lasted for four and a half hours straight, and as a result 6 farmsteads were burnt and 16 partisans killed and thrown into the fire – they burned, and all that was left of them were their torsos. Two partisans, fighting back, sought shelter in a basement, but the gendarmes threw a grenade into it; having sustained wounds, the partisans had to surrender, and one of them died on the way to Końskie.

I would like to add that having burnt the partisans and Kolonia, the Germans went back to Końskie.

I know nothing more regarding the present case, and I don’t know the surnames of the gendarmes.

At this the report was concluded, read out and signed.