On 3 December 1945, in Łódź, Judge Z. Łukaszkiewicz interviewed the person specified below as a witness, without swearing him in. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Forename and surname Samuel Rajzman
Age 43
Names of parents Jankiel
Place of residence Łódź, Żeromskiego Street 31
Occupation bookkeeper
Religious affiliation Judaism
Criminal record none

In the meeting held by the Association of Former Prisoners of the Treblinka Camp, on 5 November 1945 in Łódź, we compiled a list of the surnames of the SS-men and Ukrainians who were the personnel of Treblinka Camp no. 2 (the extermination camp). Here are the names:

I. SS-men

1) SS-Hauptbannführer Stengel, he came from Vienna, a trader by profession – the commandant of the camp; 2) Franz Kurt (nicknamed Lalka) – an SS-Untersturmführer who came from Thuringia; a waiter by trade – the deputy commandant of the camp; 3) Kuecha Knetner – he was a gendarme before the war – SS-Hauptscharführer (nicknamed Kiwa), he came from Leipzig – a supervisor of laborers; 4) Miete Franz – SS-Unterscharführer – he came from Bavaria (nicknamed Krzywa Głowa, since his head was crooked to the left) – a supervisor of the lazarett; 5) Mentz Julisch – SS-Unterscharführer, he came from the area around Bydgoszcz (nicknamed Małochamofes) – a supervisor of the lazarett; 6) Paul Bredow – SS-Unterscharführer, he came from Silesia – a supervisor of laborers; 7) Saep Hitreider – SS-Unterscharführer, origin unknown – his duties were not specified; 8) Willi Posu – SS-Unterscharführer – he came from Hamburg, a baker by trade – his duties were not specified, his last post was the supervisor of Ukrainian personnel; 9) Kurt Seidel – SS-Unterscharführer – he came from Berlin – he was responsible for the construction of roads. 10) Mueller - SS-Unterscharführer, he came from Hamburg, an agronomist by profession – he was responsible for farming; 11) Suchomil – SS-Unterscharführer who came from the Sudetes, a jeweller by trade – he was responsible for collecting gold and money; 12) Schifner – SS-Unterscharführer of unknown origin – a supervisor of workshops for skilled laborers; 13) Józef Hermann – an Unterscharführer from Cologne, a civil engineering technician by profession and he performed this function in the camp; 14) Schmidt – Unterscharführer – responsible for construction; 15) Minzberger – Unterscharführer – a supervisor of the food storehouse.

The SS-men listed above performed their functions in the part of the camp in which there were residential huts, storehouses, workshops, etc.

Now, I will list the surnames of the SS-men employed in the part of the camp with gas chambers and pits:

1) Floss – an SS-Oberscharführer who came from Munich, he supervised the cremation of corpses; 2) Emil Ludwik – Oberscharführer, the head of this part of the camp; 3) Petzinger Karl – a Scharführer from Leipzig; 4) Mathias – SS-Scharführer, fitter by trade – he supervised the digging of pits with Bagier diggers; 5) Lefler – Unterscharführer, German by origin, an American citizen; 6) Erwin Gense – Unterscharführer, he came from Vienna; 7) Otto Horn – Unterscharführer.

All the SS-men employed in this part of the camp also supervised the operation of the gas chambers. All the SS-men from both parts of the camp listed above, apart from their participation in the general operation of the camp, also committed murders and atrocities on their own, without any orders.

II – Ukrainians

1) Jan Rogoza from Małopolska – Zugwachmann; 2) Stroebel – Zugwachmann; 3) Bledermann – Zugwachmann; 4) Sascha Jeger from Kharkiv – Zugwachmann; 5) Schulz – Zugwachmann; 6) Loch – Zugwachmann.

It was impossible to determine the names of the remaining Ukrainians.

The witness was shown photographs of soldiers wearing SS-uniforms. Having examined them, the witness did not recognize in the photographs any member of the camp personnel.

The witness interview report was read out to the witness and he confirmed it by signing it on each page.