On 27 May 1947, Rubin Adler appeared in the office of the police of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in Stuttgart, Western section no. 1002, camp no. 664, and made the following declaration in lieu of an oath:

Name and surname Rubin Adler

Date of birth 24 November 1909, Końskie
Place of residence Reinsburgstrasse 193, Stuttgart
Registered as Displaced Person
Card number G 0508387 3
Untersturmführer Genewück was the head of the camp workshops, in which all work was

done exclusively for the Germans. He assumed this position in 1942, when, following the liquidation of the ghetto, Polizeiführer Böttcher established the workshops. Genewück was also active during the displacement campaign of 17/18 August. He then chose a certain number of craftsmen who would remain alive and sent the rest to Treblinka.

On 15 January 1943, Böttcher and Genewück arrived at the brickyard in Woźniki, where I worked at the time. When the Untersturmführer noticed a man named Gottlieb, who also worked there, he asked Böttcher what that Jew was doing there. I would like to emphasize that Gottlieb had a Jewish armband, which I did not wear. On the evening of the same day, Gottlieb was imprisoned together with his wife and child. At the same time, some Jews were arrested also at other places of work, as were Grossfeld, Borenstein and two others. Two [days] later they were shot at Szwarlikowska Street 18. Although the Judenrat and Dr Szenderowicz intervened in this case, it was to no avail. Szypers said that nothing could be done as Böttcher and Genewück had already issued an order.

I declare, in lieu of an oath, that the above is true to facts. I am aware of the criminal liability for making false declarations. I am ready to appear before a court as a witness.