In June [1947?] Josek Tauber appeared in the office of the police of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in Stuttgart, Western section no. 1002, camp no. 664, Reinsburgstrasse, and made the following declaration:

Name and surname Josek Tauber
Date and place of birth 3 May 1910, in Radom
Place of residence until the outbreak of the war: Wałowa Street 21, Radom now: Vogelsang 145, Stuttgart
Registered as Displaced Person
Card number 195436

On 30 January 1943 my brother-in-law, Eisig Ickowicz, the owner of a candle factory in Radom, was walking to work. I must point out that after the deportation on 23 January 1943 Jews were not allowed to leave the ghetto to go to work. But my brother-in-law thought that as an expert, foreman and factory owner he could leave the ghetto. After Böttcher’s secretary, by the name of Klotzkin, had noticed Ickowicz, Böttcher summoned her. In the evening a Jew from the Jewish police service came to Ickowicz’s apartment and said that he had been summoned by Böttcher and ordered to bring Ickowicz in. The Jewish Community Council telephoned Böttcher and asked him to pardon Ickowicz, but Böttcher refused.

On 4 February, an SS man named Mörder visited the station of the Jewish police service together with six Ukrainians. He took Ickowicz, a Jew named Gottlieb with his wife and child, as well as Borenstein and Grossfeld, and shot them in front of a wall. Gottlieb was shot together with his wife and child because during the deportation on 13 January 1943 he had hid in the brick factory. When Böttcher found out about it, he ordered that Gottlieb and his family be arrested and executed along with Ickowicz. The execution was carried out with the use of dumdum bullets. The victims’ heads had been blasted. I know this because I was at the police station when Mörder and the Ukrainians came in. I had spoken to Ickowicz shortly before his death. I was also present when the head of the Jewish Community Council, Dr. Szenderowicz, asked Böttcher, Weinrich and Szypers via telephone to pardon the aforementioned man. I remember the exact date – it happened on 4 February at 1.30 p.m.

I declare, in lieu of an oath, that the above is true to the facts. I am aware of the criminal liability for making false declarations. I am ready to appear before a court as a witness.