On 21 December 1945, in Radom, Kazimierz Borys, Investigating Judge of the Second District of the District Court in Radom, based in Radom, interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Julia Bołdok
Age 35 years old
Names of parents Maria and Józef
Place of residence Warsaw, Filtrowa Street 68
Occupation clerk
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

I am Halina Bołdok’s sister. My sister is the late Józef Bołdok’s wife. On 13 October 1942, he was executed by the Germans on the gallows by the Kielce road in Radom. Because my sister is sick, she is unable to report for an interview. Besides, she knows less about this than I do, as she learned about her husband’s death a month after the execution.

At the moment of his death, Józef Bołdok was 42 years old. He worked as an official at the National Forest Directorate. His arrest took place on 6 October 1942. I wasn’t at the execution site and I don’t know where the bodies were buried. I was told that they had been taken to Firleje and incinerated.

I didn’t see the noticeboard set up next to the gallows and I don’t know the information it contained.

Having been shown a photograph of the people executed by the Kielce road in Radom, the witness testified as follows:

In the photograph of the people executed by the Germans I recognize Józef Bodok. He is hanging first from the right or last from the left.

The man hanging second from the right, next to Józef Bołdok, looks like Stefan Bołdok, Józef’s brother. He was also executed on 13 October 1942.

On 6 November 1942 my sister Halina, Józef Bołdok’s wife, received official notification from a German gendarme that her husband had died on 13 October 1942. The following day the German took the notification back. He said that he had left it by mistake and that he was supposed to show it and take it with him.

The report was read out.