On 18 December 1945, in Radom, Kazimierz Borys, Investigating Judge from the Second District of the District Court in Radom, based in Radom, interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Mieczysław Rafalski
Age 37 years old
Names of parents Tadeusz and Zofia
Place of residence Jedlnia-Letnisko, Rampowa Street 3
Occupation clerk
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

On 19 September 1942, I was arrested by the Gestapo at the train station in Rożki while travelling on the Radom to Skarżysko train. I was arrested in connection with the murder of a German who had been murdered on the train. Except for myself, a dozen or so people were arrested. After getting off the train in Rożki, we were taken to the Gestapo station and then to prison. Arrested with me was Kazimierz Kapel, 50 years of age, a railway clerk. Later on, I was joined in my cell by Józef Bołdok, Władysław Janiak, Ryszard Kiełbowski, Jan Prokop, Kurysa and others whose names I don’t remember.

In October 1942, Kapel was called out of the cell into the corridor, where, as he told me upon his return, he was photographed. It was the same with Bołdok. The remaining prisoners, who were working at the Arms Factory, weren’t photographed.

One day all of the prisoners were led out of the cell. I don’t remember when exactly this took place. These prisoners never returned to their cell. As I learned later they were executed on the gallows.

Shortly before his arrest, Kapel and Stefan Bołdok worked at engineer Nadolski’s firm.

I don’t know why the Poles I have mentioned above were arrested and why they were executed.

During the interrogation at the Gestapo station, prisoners suffered inhumane beatings; they were hanged by their hands, the Germans forced them to testify on their knees etc. We were accused, at least I was, of being part of clandestine organizations and of reading various pamphlets.

After two months I was released. I think I owe my release to the fact that throughout my detention I was consistent in my testimonies. At the same time, my family sought to use bribes to get me out of jail.