On 20 September 1947 in Lublin, Investigative Judge of the Fourth Branch of the District Court in Lublin, A. Sadowski, interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the provisions of Art. 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Marian Król
Age 25 years old
Parents’ names Jan and Marianna
Place of residence Dziesiąta
Occupation farmer
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

Beginning in 1941, I worked for three years as a coachman. Living in the neighborhood, in Dziesiąta, I was required to bring different types of building materials. I often saw Muhsfeldt, the crematorium chief. He was a stout criminal with a dreary look and the features of a bandit. I often saw him torment prisoners. He beat them with a whip and wheels. Once, I saw him near the crematorium with a gun in his hand. After he got inside, I heard the shouts and groans of the people whom he was murdering. He was friends with the camp commandant Thumann – a man who [illegible] set dogs on people and who beat and tortured prisoners in a way which is difficult to describe. Of average height and dark complexion, he was more than 30 years of age. I would recognize him anytime. In this photograph I recognize Muhsfeldt – he doesn’t look well now. Formerly, he was stout, with full face. In the photograph I recognize Muhsfeldt.

The report was read out.