On 19 September 1947 in Kraków, acting judge, Associate Judge Franciszek Wesely, delegated to the Kraków District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes, acting upon written request of the first prosecutor of the Supreme National Tribunal, this dated 25 April 1947 (file no. NTN 719/47), and in accordance with the provisions of and procedure provided for under the Decree of 10 November 1945 (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 51, item 293) in connection with Article 254, 107 and 115 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, interviewed the person named below as a witness, who testified as follows:

Name and surname Tadeusz Szewczyk
Date and place of birth 29 March 1914, Sędziszów
Parents’ names Karol and Wanda
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation master of pharmacy
Place of residence Kraków, Siemiradzkiego Street 20b
Relationship to the parties none

In March 1943, I was transferred from the Radom prison to the Auschwitz I concentration camp and, as a political prisoner, I was assigned no. 115479. At first I worked in various labor kommandos, and from August 1943, as a pharmacist, I was sent to work in Häftlingsapotheke [pharmacy for prisoners] in the SS Revier [camp hospital]. From among the members of the former Auschwitz camp personnel, whose surnames are included in the list presented to me and whose photographs have been likewise presented to me, I recognize suspect Dr. Hans Wilhelm Münch. He was an SS doctor in the laboratory in Rajsko, and I often saw him when he visited the SS Revier in Auschwitz I, but I cannot provide any details pertaining to his activities. Anyway, he wasn’t ill-famed among the prisoners.

Further, I recognize suspect Kurt Müller, who was a Blockführer and one of the most ruthless SS men; many a time I saw him beat and kick prisoners without paying any heed to where his blows were falling.

Suspect Hans Aumeier, whom I recognize in the photograph presented to me, was a Lagerführer only for a short period of time during my imprisonment in the camp, but it was long enough for me to learn that the above-named man was the scourge of all prisoners and was filled with particular hatred for the Poles. He beat and kicked the prisoners at every opportunity, which I often witnessed myself.

Since I worked in the pharmacy for prisoners, I was dealing with medicaments, which were brought from “Canada” and which I sorted and put on shelves in the storeroom. These medicaments were usually Jewish property taken from transports sent for gassing. It was actually the basic source of medicaments and medical instruments used in treatment of sick prisoners, and in comparison with quantities thus obtained the official drug allowance was negligible.

As a trained pharmacist, I state that experimental preparations – for instance Evipan and morphine in varying concentrations, not used in standard treatment – were made in the SS pharmacy and administered to the prisoners for experimental purposes. These preparations were made in various forms – as injections, oral mixtures (which were later added to the coffee for prisoners selected for experiments), and in other liquid forms. I frequently witnessed such preparations being made.

I saw these preparations as late as in the summer of 1944. I have to admit that when Liebehenschel assumed the post of the camp commandant, the conditions in the camp visibly improved, at least for the camp inmates, though the gassing of Jewish transports continued throughout his rule. I heard that Liebehenschel worked towards decreasing the number of prisoners sent for gassing and that it was through his efforts that two or three transports of sick prisoners who were selected to be gassed were called off. I don’t know, however, whether he acted on his own accord or followed instructions from Berlin.

At this point the report was brought to a close and, after being read out, signed.