From the materials of the District Jewish Historical Commission in Kraków.

An extract from the testimony given by Frieda Kiwetz.

She is now staying in Salzburg. [...].

Soon after his arrival, the camp saw the appearance of SS-Aufseherin Luise Danz who treated prisoners in an awful way. At that time, our barracks were thoroughly searched. The search was carried out by two Aufseherins and Hujar. We were deprived of all our clothes and given camp dresses, striped uniforms and one change of underclothes. This all happened quite suddenly. We were driven out of our barracks and Danz, accompanied by her colleague, rummaged through our bunks and cabinets, leaving them completely empty. Later, Danz often checked whether we hadn’t hidden our civilian clothes somewhere. Once a day, she visited the women’s barracks to see whether everything was in order.

She was very cruel, beating us for the most trivial mistakes. We were required to keep everything clean and tidy and the laundry was available only to Hujar, Danz and the administration. Consequently, we had to wash our clothes stealthily in the factory or during our work breaks. She didn’t want to know anything about it, maintaining that washing was what the laundry was for.

She was on very good terms with Hujar; they preyed on us together. Every day, Danz brought food and, sometimes, clothes packages out of the camp. OD provided Hujar and Danz with every single thing they demanded.