On 29 August 1947, the Municipal Court in Legnica, with Judge W. Mysłowski presiding and with the participation of reporter Aniela Bereźnicka, interviewed the person specified below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of art. 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the witness testified as follows:
Name and surname | Halina Wencka |
Age | 26 |
Parents’ names | Jan and Janina, née Andrzejewska |
Place of residence | Legnica, [...] |
Occupation | housewife |
Religious affiliation | Roman Catholic |
Criminal record | none |
Relationship to the parties | none |
1) In the photograph presented to me, I recognize suspect Alfred Bajerke, whom I met when at the Majdanek concentration camp. At that time, I worked at the camp headquarters. Bajerke also worked there at that time and his job was to search people who came in and out of the camp. My job was to clean his room and I was able to observe him closely because of that. Bajerke did not actually have any contact with prisoners, only with non-prisoners who came to work on the camp grounds. We knew he was a Volksdeutscher from Łódź and spoke Polish. But he pretended that he did not understand Polish and did not want to talk to us in Polish. He behaved like all the other Germans, i.e. he treated us unfavorably, didn’t talk to us, and in general looked down on everybody. However, I cannot provide any evidence that would incriminate him and I do not know of any cases whereby he mistreated anybody. Bajerke’s treatment of us, cleaners, was not bad. I cannot say anything negative about him, just as I cannot say anything positive.
2) As regards Erna Boden, I met her at the same camp. When I was interned, in 1944, she was deputy Aufseherin [overseer] at the Majdanek canteen. Her job was to oversee the female prisoners who worked there as cleaners. The treatment she gave us was not particularly bad and we did not come to any harm because of her. We only had contact with her for a few months before she left. That is because any overseer who treated prisoners well was immediately sent away. She was good to us and we preferred her to others, because we had more freedoms under her.
3) Lusie Danz was overseer of the Gärtnerei [gardening kommando] at Majdanek. I had contact with her between May 1943 and October 1944. I worked in the garden with my fellow prisoners and she oversaw us.
Her treatment of female prisoners was very bad. She beat them every day. She used to punch me in the face at least once a week. She kicked me and behaved like a sadist. She used to beat people with her fists or a rubber whip or kick them.
I cannot provide the names of the prisoners she beat because we, prisoners, mostly knew just each other’s number, or first name, and there was constant personnel rotation. And because almost everyone was on the wrong side of her and everyone was beaten by her, all this has faded in my memory with the passage of time.
All I can say is that Danz was a very bad person and she was the Oberaufseherin’s favorite. Because she was such a bad person, she had stayed at the camp the longest. She caused hardship to any female prisoner she came across.
I cannot refer to a case whereby she beat someone unconscious. She beat people in such a way as to get them to work.
If a female prisoner did not, in her opinion, work well Danz would take down her number and file for their punishment. The name of such a prisoner was, due to Danz’s actions, read out at a roll call and she would get at least 25 lashes. Because of her actions, two or three female prisoners a month were tortured.
The report was read out.