On 8 September 1947 in Poznań, the Municipal Court in Poznań, Second Branch, represented by Judge Dr. Pławski, with the participation of reporter Jan Kurlandt, a trainee judge, interviewed as a witness the person specified below. Having advised the witness of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the significance of the oath, the judge, in accordance with art. 111 and 113 of the Code of Civil Procedure, swore in the witness, who then testified as follows:

Name and surname Urszula Skąpska
Age 31
Parents’ names Marian and Zofia, née Kaczmarek
Place of residence Poznań, [...]
Occupation office worker at “Społem” in Poznań, Składowa Street 4
Criminal record none

I was interned at the Majdanek concentration camp from 8 January until 19 April 1944. For a couple of weeks I was with the “laundry” kommando on the camp premises.

Working with this kommando, I came across a German by the name of Hildegard Lächert, who was an SS woman and fulfilled the duties of kommando overseer, that is kommando Aufseherin. She also carried out functions with other kommandos, but I do not have any detailed knowledge concerning these. I know that while fulfilling her duties as overseer at the laundry Hildegard Lächert treated female prisoners very badly. She tortured them in various ways, often beating them for no reason.

One particular instance of Hildegard Lächert’s beating a prisoner I can recount is the case of the beating of Eugenia Zielińska, who today probably resides in Kutno. It happened in the course of working at the laundry, more or less in February 1943. Hildegard Lächert beat Zielińska in the face with her hand, and in other cases would use whatever was at hand, mostly hitting your arms or back.

I also know of the case of the beating of Helena Konca, at present probably residing in Warsaw. This happened in May or June 1943 at field V. Helena Konca was walking across the field and was halted by Lächert, who addressed her in German, ordering her to hold her bike. Because Konca did not understand the order, she was beaten.

When we were frisked on our way out of the laundry, Lächert always beat somebody. As regards the alleged help she provided to female prisoners, I cannot state anything. I know her as one of the worst overseers.

The report was read out before it was signed.