On 1 September 1947 in Katowice, District Investigating Judge W. Mędlewski, with the participation of reporter Stefan Krawczyk, interviewed the person specified below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:
Name and surname | Helena Stahl |
Age | 30 |
Parents’ names | Pinkus and Doba |
Place of residence | Katowice, [...] |
Occupation | housewife |
Criminal record | none |
Relationship to the parties | none |
I was interned at the Płaszów camp from March 1943 until 1 August 1944. I came across suspect Alice Orlowski at said camp in 1944. She was an overseer. There were a couple of overseers there, but Orlowski had the worst reputation because she beat female prisoners for no reason whatsoever. She carried a beater and any prisoner she came across she beat so hard that many prisoners had faces swollen after the suspect visited the block. During almost every roll call, I saw suspect Orlowski beat prisoners standing in rows. The suspect frisked prisoners either at the block or during roll calls and confiscated so-called “redundant” items. I knew Orlowski by her name already during my time at the camp.
The report was read out before it was signed.