Our inspector Philippe interviewed Marc Quintet, single, born on 10 January 1911 in Tohogne, residing at rue de Serbie 127 in Liège, who testified as follows in French:
I was arrested by the Germans as a deserter in January 1943. I was detained in the citadel in Liège for two days, and was then transported to Dane-Camier (France) [?], where I was assigned to building fortifications. Several days later I escaped and returned to Liège. Having been denounced, I was arrested by the Germans in April 1943 and after being kept in the citadel for 21 days I was transported to Germany, to Essen, where I worked at an electric power station. In October 1943 I was sent to Dachau, then to Mauthausen, and then to Linz in Austria, where I stayed for three months. I also stayed in other camps. Lastly, I arrived at Buchenwald in February 1945.
I was treated badly in various camps in which I was detained, especially in Mauthausen and Buchenwald.
I can’t provide the names of the German and Belgian leaders who abused us at every opportunity. I can’t provide the names of my fellow prisoners who were killed by the camp leaders.
I returned home in May 1945, very weak and ill. I am still under the supervision of a doctor. Suffering from memory losses, I regret that I can’t provide more evidence.
This testimony has been drawn up in duplicate.
Dont acte.