On 18 October 1947 in Sosnowiec, the Municipal Court in Sosnowiec, with Judge [illegible] presiding, heard the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of Article 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Józef Dróżdż
Age 34
Place of residence Sosnowiec, [...]
Occupation clerk
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Relationship to the parties none

I do not know the person shown to me on the photograph with the signature “Buntrock”. It seems to me, however, that in 1943 he was at the entrance gate of the Auschwitz camp as the so-called Kommandoführer [kommando leader]. In any case, I do not recall him being in the camp as a Blockführer [block leader]. I was in the Auschwitz camp from January 1942 until my escape on 30 September 1944.

Roman Taul – residing in Radzionków, [...] (near Tarnowskie Góry) – may possess certain information regarding this matter.

The report was read out.