On 2 October 1947, the Municipal Court in Tarnowskie Góry, Fifth Branch, with Judge [illegible] presiding, heard the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Wilhelm Gawliczek
Age 35
Parents’ names Franciszek and Maria
Place of residence Tarnowskie Góry, Krakowska Street 10
Occupation white-collar worker
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

I was in the Auschwitz camp from 11 February 1941 until 15 June 1944. From the list of the Auschwitz camp crew members shown to me, I know:

1) Hans Aumeier was the Lagerführer [camp leader] and had a hostile attitude towards the prisoners. I was a witness to the following incidents:

a) I think it was in 1942. A transport of new prisoners arrived who were then put on one floor of block 15. One of the prisoners dropped a package down, and another one below caught it and started to run off. Aumeier saw it and gave two shots at the latter. As I heard, he allegedly hurt somebody, but whether it was the prisoner who was running off or someone in the crowd, I don’t know.

b) The second time was also in 1942, I think, when some prisoners were being hanged. I saw Aumeier come over and say something to one prisoner who was going to be hanged. The prisoner said something in response and smiled. Aumeier instructed the prisoner to be taken away. I know that he was escorted to one of the rooms in block 24, where he was beaten up and hanged later.

I heard from the prisoners that Aumeier was involved in the executions at block 11.

28) Max Grabner was the head of the Political Department, I don’t know the details of his activity. He did, however, strike great terror into the prisoners, because all the executions were on his orders.

33) Josef Hiller, SS-Rottenführer, second head of the canteen. I can’t say anything bad about him. He was considerate towards the prisoners. He didn’t shout, didn’t beat them, helped them send letters, move packages from the large camp to the small one. He did so selflessly.

53) Artur Liebehenschel. He was Aumeier’s successor, and served as the Lagerführer. When he took over the leadership, the relations with the prisoners eased. We were allowed to grow hair. We didn’t have to remove our caps when passing through the gate on the way to work.

60) Johannes Marxten, I don’t know him very well, but information can be provided by Juliusz Grabski, residing in Tarnowskie Góry – Lasowice.

72) Ludwik Plagge. In 1941 he was the Kommandoführer [kommando leader] of my Bahnhof kommando [train station kommando]. We called him “Little Pearl” or “Little Pipe”. He was very hostile towards the prisoners and didn’t miss an opportunity to hit a prisoner. I myself saw him kicking a prisoner in the stomach.

I also know SS-Schärführer Bogusch, but if this is the same one who is mentioned in point 7, I don’t know. He served as the first head of the canteen for prisoners, and was favorably disposed towards them.

The report was read out.