Dr Stefan Wolf, a lawyer from Čakovec in Yugoslavia, hereby provides the following testimony before the Commission for the Investigation of War Crimes on 12 December 1945, no. 25,258–25,298, in the case concerning goings-on at the camp of Auschwitz:

Auschwitz-Birkenau, Jawiszowice, Monowitz – these were extermination camps intended especially for Jews. Hundreds of thousands of people were deported to these camps. During a short period of time, that is from April 1944 onwards, more than three thousand Yugoslavian citizens from Međimurje and Vojvodina were gathered there. Some 600 Jews were sent to these camps from Čakovec alone! No more than 60 returned; the rest were murdered. There were instances when up to 20,000 people were murdered in the course of a single day. The following methods were used to murder and exterminate people: selections and sending to the gas chambers, beatings, maltreatment and torture of prisoners using various instruments (rubber truncheons, plaited wire), kicking in the face, stomach or all over the body, performing a broad array of experiments on people (infecting them with diseases), injecting various substances, artificial insemination (particularly young girls), resection of the kidneys (very frequent), forcing people to perform excessively arduous work, setting dogs on people, making people labor in the worst weather and in winter – up to their knees in water and without food for a number of days, herding people under the bridge on the River Vistula during bombardments, and also using other unimaginable and sophisticated means of torture with one sole objective in mind – to effect the mass physical extermination of people.

Jews, residents of Čakovec, were incarcerated at these camps. Their surnames, together with a list of victims, have been attached to the list of the Commission as no. 46/45, dated 29 November 1945, which was sent to the District Commission for the Investigation of War Crimes in Varaždin.

The following are guilty of committing these crimes:

1) Dr. Kramer (name unknown), for a length of time the commandant of the camp in Auschwitz, of German nationality, sentenced to death by an Allied Military Tribunal in Germany.

2) Hubert [Heinrich] Schwarz, the commandant of the camp in Birkenau, of German nationality, approximately 40 years old, tall, strongly built, slightly obese, ruddy, clean shaven, place of residence unknown.

3) Dr. Mengele (name unknown), the chief camp doctor, who carried out selections, a German national from Frankfurt am Oder, the son of a physician, approximately 30 years old, blond-haired, pale-skinned, with an elongated face, clean shaven, tall and slender, other details unknown.

4) Dr. Klein (name unknown), an assistant to Dr. Mengele, of German nationality, other details unknown; apparently, he has already been sentenced by an international court.

5) Dr. König (name unknown), also a doctor, of German nationality, approximately 30 years old, tall, thin, pale-skinned, with an elongated face, wears glasses, shaves his beard and mustache, other details unknown.

6) Dr. Tauber (name unknown), a labor coordinator, of German nationality, approximately 35 years old, tall, ruddy, with an elongated face, shaves his beard and mustache, black-haired, other details unknown.

7) Hesler [Hössler] (name unknown), the commandant of all the camps in Auschwitz, of German nationality, personal data and other details unknown.

8) Drechsler [Drechsel] (name unknown), a woman, of German nationality, approximately 35 years old, of average height, very thin, pale-skinned, with an elongated face and a long nose, her upper teeth stick out prominently, pale-blond, other details unknown; she was the head of some of the female kommandos in Birkenau.

9) Brandl (name unknown), a woman, of German nationality, approximately 40 years old, of average height, with an elongated face, pale-skinned, blond-haired, other details unknown; she was the labor commandant in Birkenau.

10) Erika (surname unknown), labor commandant at the camp in Birkenau, of German nationality, approximately 25 years old, tall and slender, blond-haired, with an elongated face; a beautiful woman who beat prisoners and set her dog on them, other details unknown.

11) Lang (name unknown), one of the Blockführers [block leaders] at the camp in Birkenau, originally from Ruma, a Yugoslavian national and a Volksdeutscher, a member of the SS, approximately 30 years old, married with two children, of medium height, obese, with a round, red face, with sharp facial features and a strong jaw, shaves his beard and mustache, other details and place of residence unknown.

12) Another Blockführer (name and surname unknown), purportedly from Čakovec, a Croat, approximately 25 years of age, short, pale-skinned, with a round face, shaves his beard and mustache, blond-haired, thin, other details and place of residence unknown.

13) Dragutin Schultz, a Croat from Osijek, where it is rumored that he currently resides, a Yugoslavian national, a well-known footballer, approximately 36 years of age, of average height, with a round face, shaves his beard and mustache, black-haired, other details unknown. In Auschwitz, he worked for the Germans at the "Union" munitions factory, where he maltreated and murdered people. He himself killed more than 30 inmates.

Various other kapos of unknown names, surnames and personal data.