On 6 November 1947 in Chełm, the Municipal Court in Chełm, with Judge S. Azarewicz presiding and with the participation of a reporter, Maria Tuszewska, interviewed the person specified below as a witness. Having advised the witness of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the significance of the oath, the Judge administered the oath pursuant to the provisions of Article 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The witness then testified as follows:

Name and surname Tadeusz Szczuka
Age 26
Parents’ names Antoni and Waleria
Place of residence Chełm, Hetmana Zamojskiego Street 6
Occupation supported by parents
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

1) I met Auschwitz camp commandant Hans Aumeier in 1942. During various inspections he beat and tortured prisoners, shot at them, conducted interrogations and attended executions, gave orders ordered to kill people by gas and lethal injections.

2) Max Grabner, head of the Political Department, conducted interrogations of prisoners, beating, abusing, and sentencing them to death. Being able to speak Polish, he would dress like a prisoner and spy on prisoners.

3) Kurt Hugo Müller was head of the work squads. He beat prisoners, abused them horribly in block 11, and marched condemned prisoners to the “black wall”.

4) Johann Kremer was the camp physician, he selected prisoners for gassing and lethal injections. He subjected them to various experiments.

5) Gustav Kuny worked in warehouses with clothes that used to belong to prisoners, and stole prisoners’ clothing and valuables.

I could testify on the subject of the others if I saw them in person.

The report was read out.