Poznań, 26 November 1947
Stanisław Gołębiowski
[...], Poznań
the Prosecutor of the [Commission]
for the Investigation of German Crimes
In August of the current year in Kraków (Grodzka Street 52), I, the undersigned, testified in the case against: 1) Buntrock, 2) Müller and Rumun from Canada. Recently I lived in Kielce, but for the last few months I have lived in Poznań. The Prosecutor informed me that I would receive a notification about the court hearing when I was needed. Today, I read the papers and I see all those criminals in the dock. I would also like to contribute to the revenge for millions of dead who are unable to testify as witnesses. What is more, I saw Rappotführer Plagge on the list of defendants. I know him very well (he made my life a misery). I performed “sports activities” on his order, until I lost consciousness. This took place in the Gypsy camp B IIe at the end of 1943.
Should my testimony prove useful for increasing their deserved penalties, I am ready to be summoned to Kraków in order to testify before the Supreme National Tribunal.
We became witnesses for the millions who died.
I am looking forward to your positive response – former Auschwitz prisoner [no.] 37888.