On 11 September 1946 in Katowice, District Investigating Judge Jan Sehn, a member of the Central Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, at the spoken request and in the presence of a member of that Commission, Deputy Prosecutor Edward Pechchalski, heard pursuant to and in accordance with art. 4 of the decree of 10 November 1945 (Journal of Laws No. 51, item 293), in connection with art. 254, 107, 115 CCP, the former prisoner of the Auschwitz concentration camp named below, who testified as follows:

Name and surname Tadeusz Wąsowicz (known to the court)

I submit to the Commission for its possible use 12 prisoners’ questionnaires (Fragebogen für Häftlinge) regarding Polish prisoners with the following numbers: 20,042, 20,047, 39,197, 11,257, 5,941, 11,461, 11,016, 11,379, 13,453, 135, 16,465 and 19,456, together with further documents, in particular documents relating to the deaths of these prisoners as well as of prisoners with the following numbers: 83,910 and 83,911. Questionnaires such as those I am currently submitting were issued for numbered prisoners by the clerk of the block senior of the block where a given prisoner was placed immediately after arriving in the camp, and then transferred to the Political Department, where they were kept in the prisoner’s personal files. Further documents were issued by the prison hospital in the event of the prisoner’s death and also sent inter alia to the Political Department.

The files submitted today were hidden by former prisoner Klenk (I don’t know his first name) of the Auschwitz concentration camp, residing permanently in Zakopane, in the attic of block 28. A few days ago Klenk found them and gave them to the Management of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Auschwitz. As this file shows, all the deceased prisoners whose files I am currently submitting received a fabricated history of illness and cause of death, according to which these prisoners died of natural causes as a result of a disease indicated in the camp hospital documents.

I declare with full certainty that these documents in relation to prisoners Khodorkovsky, Ullman, Jońca, Tempka and Gieszczykiewicz are false, that they were faked, because all these prisoners were shot. Tempka and Gieszczykiewicz most likely in block 11, and the other three in the block of the punitive unit in Birkenau or while escaping from this unit, as I described in my previous testimonies. During the same escape, the following fellow prisoners were also shot: Türschmidt, Wojnalski and Kozioł.

The report was read out and thus concluded.