In Warsaw, on 28 March 1946, Halina Wereńko, district investigative judge of the 2nd region of the District Court in Warsaw, delegated to the Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes, investigated the below-mentioned as a witness. After advising the witness of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the meaning of the oath, the judge took his oath in accordance with Article 109 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, following which the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Marian Henryk Bolesław Rogalski
Parents’ first names Wojciech, Maria née Dubsky
Date and place of birth 3 September 1905, in Olomouc (Czechoslovakia)
Occupation Radiologist doctor
Education Medical Faculty of the University of Warsaw
Place of residence Warsaw, Targowa Street 15
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record None

At the beginning of September 1944, Dr. Janik arrived in Warsaw as instructed by the Räumungstadt [?] for the purpose of taking electro-medical equipment from here. I don’t know his first name; before coming to Warsaw he had been working in Kraków as a medical officer. In September 1944 he practiced as a civilian, but with a yellow armband with writing in black: “Im Dienst der [Deutschen] Wehrmacht”. He told me that he came from Hamburg, where he was a hygienist doctor. Dr. Janik justified what he described as his “disgraceful occupation”, as obeying orders.

At the beginning of September 1944, after the Germans had moved the people out from the Charles and Mary Hospital where I worked, I was at the Wolski Hospital on Płocka Street 26 in Warsaw. Dr Janik arrived there with two trucks and an escort comprising of eight SS men and a unit of Polish laborers, and demanded that I accompany him as an expert in disassembling electro-medical equipment in hospitals.

We went to the Charles and Mary Hospital, where x-ray equipment by the company Szpotański, a scialytic lamp [surgical lamp] from the operating theatre, an operating table, and sterilizing apparatuses had been dismantled. All these items were, on Dr. Janik’s orders, packed and transported by car to the West Station.

Dr. Janik then gave instructions to head for the St. Lazarus Hospital, from where – despite the burning and abandoning of the building, the following were taken: x-ray equipment, two pieces of equipment for shortwave diathermy, equipment from the operating theatre and for sterilizing.

Next came the turn of the hospital on Chocimska Street – from where French x-ray equipment was taken – and the Hospital of the Infant Jesus, from where equipment was removed over the span of two days. Taken were: therapy and diagnostics equipment from the x-ray laboratory in the 8th ward, and a diathermy apparatus, a dozen or so sun lamps, and Solmes were taken from the physical therapy ward. Apart from this equipment, additional and reserve apparatuses were also taken from all the hospitals.

All that pillage, as Dr. Janik told me, was inspired and directed by a professor of medicine, a general of the SS, Holfelder. I was present at all of these robberies, although I heard that Janik did not plunder the x-ray equipment from the Hospital of the Transfiguration of Our Lord (Sierakowska Street, Praga) or the company E. Wedel (on Zamoyskiego Street in Praga). Dr. Koszarowski, who works at the hospital on Płocka and in the company E. Wedel on Zamoyskiego Street, knows the details.

I know that all of the equipment pillaged was transported to the West Station, where it was loaded onto wagons marked with a sign bearing the writing “Dr. Janik”. Where the equipment was transported to, and what happened to it – that remains an unknown to this day. An approximate estimate, at 1939 prices, gives the value of the equipment removed, from 600,000 to 800,000 zlotys.

The report was read out.