On 29 October 1947, in Końskie, a member of the Końskie Branch of the Radom District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes, lawyer Stanisław Dębniak, interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of Article 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Maria Kazuła
Age 62
Parents’ names Franciszek and Zofia
Place of residence Barycz, Gowarczów commune
Occupation farmeress
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none

On 24 September 1944, the Germans arrested my son Edward Kazuła, who lived with me in Barycz, Końskie commune. The arrest was made by the gendarmerie based in Końskie. My son was taken for interrogation by the Końskie Gestapo, and the Gestapo officers cruelly beat him during the interrogations. On 29 September, they killed him at “Budowa” [probably a part of the town] in Końskie and then buried them in an ordinary field that cars would later drive through. I didn’t see my son being murdered, and I don’t know the names of the gendarmes and Gestapo officers who murdered him.

At this point the report was concluded, read out, and signed.