14 October 1947

In Międzyborów, near Żyrardów, German gendarmes shot several hundred people, many of whom were Jews (but also Poles), brought in cars or on foot from Żyrardów. Most often these were Jews caught in the electric train at Żyrardów station.

Among the executed there was a Jewish family consisting of a wife, a husband and a child who had been previously hiding in the villa of Mr Karpownik in Międzyborów.

Some of the families exhumed the corpses, but the majority of the bodies remain at the execution site (Międzyborów, sand mountain, in the so-called Czarny Borek [black woods]).

To bury the corpses, the Germans used to employ an inhabitant of Międzyborów, a certain Michalak (as far as I know, he lives nearby in Żyrardów now), who might provide more details concerning the executed.

Józef Sosnowski
Krasińskiego Street 16, flat 126