Warsaw, 31 July 1948. A member of the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, Judge Halina Wereńko, heard as a witness the person specified below; the witness did not swear an oath. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Maria Zofia Czaja née Wiśniewska
Parents’ names Józef and Józefa née Sajdak
Date of birth 19 September 1900 in Warsaw
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Education elementary school
Occupation housewife
Place of residence Warsaw, Marii Kazimiery Street 3, flat 4

At the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising I was in my flat at Marii Kazimiery Street 3, flat 4. The insurgents were not fighting from our house. In August and at the beginning of September, due to heavy shelling from the direction of the barracks at Gdańska Street, and in September from the direction of the Central Institute of Physical Education, it was impossible to walk on the streets.

I heard that at the end of August the Germans called on civilians to leave the city. I did not see any such leaflet.

On 13 September the shelling of Marymont from the direction of the Central Institute of Physical Education became more pronounced. On 14 September the shelling was so heavy that we had to go to the basement shelter with the inhabitants of our house and other people who sought shelter with us. There were more than a hundred people in that basement. About 3.30 p.m. I came out to the yard and saw that near the Queen Marysieńka Palace, that is, on the adjacent property, there were German soldiers. After some time they arrived in our house and told everyone to leave the basement. They put us by the wall of the palace on the side of Marii Kazimiery Street. Then they fired at us three times from a tank that was on Marii Kazimiery Street. I rushed into the palace with my son, ran through it and reached Krechowiecka Street. My son was shot in the buttocks and I was shot on the right forearm and the left hip. We managed to reach the hospital at Krechowiecka Street.

At the end of September, I don’t remember the exact date, the Germans told the civilians to leave the hospital, and then I was transported with my family to the Pruszków transit camp. A few days later the hospital was also evacuated.

On 1 October 1944 I was deported with my family to Germany for forced labor.

At this the report was closed and read out.