Rzeszów, 22 August 1989

Mr. Jędrzej Tucholski
Editorial Board of the “Zorza” weekly

Dear Sir,

I would like to add to the list of persons missing in Katyń the name of my cousin, which appeared in the occupation press published in the Polish language (in 1943), but is absent from the present publication.

Lieutenant Eugeniusz Niemunis

–Names of parents: Franciszek and Leokadia née Rybińska.

Born in 1914 in Łapy, Białostockie Voivodeship.
Professional artillery officer. He graduated from the Officer Artillery School in Toruń. He served with the 9th Artillery Regiment in Włodawa. From May 1939 on, he was at the border with East Prussia, in the vicinity of Ciechanów.
The place where he was taken prisoner is unknown.
He sent the first and only postcard from Kozelsk in December 1939 or January 1940 to my mother Janina, who was his mother’s sister. My mother sent a few postcards, but she didn’t get any answers. Finally she sent two postcards (one reply-paid), and received the following answer: “Адресата нет, убыл”.

In 1944 my mother received a letter from the German Red Cross, in which she was notified of the discovery on one corpse in Katyń of a postcard containing our address. I attached a Xerox copy of the letter (the original is in my possession).

My aunt Leokadia was deported in April 1940 to Kazakhstan, from where she returned in 1946.