On 4 March 1948 in Kłodzko, Examining Judge J. Kowik interviewed the person named below as a witness. Having advised the witness of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the significance of the oath, the judge took an oath therefrom, following which the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Ewelina Nowakowska, née Sowińska
Date of birth 20 December 1924, Mała Wieś, district of Płock
Parents’ names Władysław and Stefania Jasińska
Place of residence Kłodzko, No. Pszeniczna Street 66
Occupation wife of an office worker at the Municipal Board in Kłodzko
Religion Roman Catholic
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

When the Warsaw Uprising broke out, I was in the Old Town, where I had started work at the hospital at Miodowa Street 24 as a nurse; I was not fit to perform any other work during the Uprising. I remember vaguely that when our forces and others were evacuated from the Old Town, which took place through the sewers, when the Old Town was to be left to be taken by the Germans, only one of the young doctors remained on the hospital premises – I don’t remember his name or surname.

In addition, I fully uphold the contents of my written declaration concerning this matter, dated 4 March 1948, which has been added to the files and read out to myself by the judge. I know nothing else.

Once the document was read out, the witness stated: this is my testimony, which I confirm by my own signature, whereas I would like to state that I do not know much about the case in hand, for I was ill with dysentery at the time and in spite of everything continued to work as a nurse in the hospital at Miodowa Street 24.

The report was read out and signed.