Warsaw, 5 January 1948. Judge Halina Wereńko, a member of the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes, interviewed the person named below as a witness, without taking an oath. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Stanisława Wysmułek, née Mendygrał
Parents’ names Antoni and Waleria, née Modelewska
Date of birth 6 May 1906, Guzów, district of Błonie
Religion Roman Catholic
Education five classes of vocational school
Place of residence Warsaw, Inflancka Street 1, flat 19
Citizenship and nationality Polish
Profession house caretaker

During the Warsaw Uprising I lived in the house at Inflancka Street 1, where my husband, Michał Wysmułek, was the caretaker. The insurrectionists remained at our house until 14 August 1944. In the afternoon of that day detachments in German uniforms approached from the direction of the Gdański Railway Station. The soldiers spoke in Russian.

Immediately after entering our premises, the soldiers threw a grenade into one of the cellars from the side of the garage, killing the wife of the administrator of the house, Wiśniewska, and severely wounding the administrator, Wiśniewski, Dr Niemojowski, Zygmunt Brodowski, and Emilia Rapacka. All of the residents were ordered to stand in front of the garages. The group from out house numbered more than 200 people. We were led to the warehouses at Stawki Street; along the way, the soldiers robbed us of our valuables.

After we arrived at the warehouses, the men were separated from the women. The group of men included 36 residents of our house, 9 from the house at Bonifraterska Street 31, and also men from other areas, however I cannot provide their number. I found myself in the group of women. A German soldier, most probably a non-commissioned office, who spoke fluent Polish, checked the identity documents of the women and then led them out into the courtyard, ordering us to settle down for the night near the warehouse wall. I saw the men from our group alongside the other warehouse wall; eight of them were standing with their faces to the wall, with three soldiers behind them. Other men from our group were lying on the ground near the wall. The women from our group told me that these men had been taken in groups from the courtyard. I myself did not witness this.

The women were guarded by soldiers in German uniforms, who spoke in Russian. During the night, these soldiers would pull women from our group and rape them. I saw that the following were raped: L.[...] (currently employed at the PZE), H.[...] Ś.[...] (currently residing in Poznań), and numerous others. I heard the women’s cries throughout the night. In the morning I saw that the group of men had already been marched off, with the exception of Jan Przełomski (currently residing in Warsaw at Widok Street 22, the flat of citizens Czerwiński), the caretaker of the house at Bonifraterska Street 31, Wojdak (deceased), Józef Miatkowski (residing in Warsaw at Mokotowska Street 53), and Rudnicki (I don’t know his address).

To date, none of the men taken from our group have returned, and – as far as I know – their families posses no information regarding them. I myself have no information regarding my husband.

The group of women was led to St. Wojciech’s Church at Wolska Street, and from there to the transit camp in Pruszków.

At this point the report was brought to a close and read out.