Kazimierz Ośko
Wisznice, Włodawa district
19 May 1946

My wartime experience

In 1939, the Polish-German war broke out, and the Polish troops retreated towards the Bug River. When the German planes drove near, I ran to the shelter. When the last army units were passing by, mum gave them all of our bread. The German tanks came in September. I saw the Germans shoot 30 people near Czyż’s house.

When the guerrilla troops were fighting, I thought it was the Germans who were training. The German army went through here for four days straight.

On Monday morning, at sunrise, the Germans routed. I was in the woods at that time. When the Soviets entered the village, I slept for four nights in a barn. A projectile hit just nearby. At about 10 a.m. I went to Wisznice and saw Polish and Soviet soldiers.