Wisznice, 19 June 1946

Marian Pawlukiewicz
Class 7

My most important wartime experience

It was [in] 1945. One day on Sunday I was woken up by the sound of plane engines. I looked out of the window, and right next to our home, a German who was shot by partisans was limping on the road. Then I looked out, and the Germans took our neighbor’s horse. When my brother saw it, he took a horse and galloped into the woods. After a short time our backyard and our home were surrounded by enemies. We were sitting in the shelter, and cannon shells were flying above our heads. The Germans started to retreat and burn down our neighbor’s buildings. When they withdrew, we happily came back home, which was not burned down. In the evening, the gunfire faded, and in the morning the Soviets arrived – happy, because they defeated a strong enemy.