On 15 September 1949 in Warsaw a member of the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, Irena Skonieczna (MA), interviewed the person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Forename and surname Stanisław Stępień
Date and place of birth 31 March 1891, Dąbrowica, Radzymin county
Names of parents Stanisław and Aniela, née Kurek
Father’s occupation wheelwright
State affiliation and nationality Polish
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Education five grades at elementary school
Occupation caretaker
Place of residence Rembertów, Budkiewicza Street 14, flat 6
Criminal record none

When the Warsaw Uprising broke out, I was in Schicht’s house at Nowy Zjazd Street 1, where I lived and worked as a porter. A few days before the Uprising, Schicht’s house had been abandoned by the hospital that used to function there, and its place was taken by front-line Wehrmacht units. I think that some two companies of German troops were stationed at Schicht’s house. The commander of this detachment was Captain Trenner, while his deputy was a Lieutenant (I do not know his surname), who treated Poles with hatred. When the Uprising broke out, nearly all of the Poles in Schicht’s house were locked up in the shelter.

Apart from me, my wife Pelagia, and sons Stefan and Henryk, the following people were present there: Bocheński – Schicht’s chauffeur, Anna Jankowska, Julian Marłocha and his wife Maria, and Bocheński’s mother and wife. There were a few Polish women who worked in the German kitchen, among them my former daughter-in-law Maria Mandziak-Stępień (currently resident in Warsaw at Kamienna Street 16), and a Polish cook by the name of Jan.

A friend of my daughter-in-law, Danka, who also worked in the kitchen of Schicht’s house during the Uprising, told me that this Lieutenant, Trenner’s deputy, was said to have executed some 15 men taken from the houses at Nowy Zjazd Street, in a garage at the rear of Schicht’s house (near the exit of Dobra Street) on 4 or 5 August 1944. I am certain that Maria Mandziak knows the personal details of her friend, my informant.

I saw myself during the Uprising that one of the German soldiers shot some civilian from Schicht’s house; the man had been looking out into the street.

On 13 August the Germans released us from the shelter and marched us off through Saski Square, the Saski Garden and Żelaznej Bramy Square to Wola, to St. Adalbert’s Church, and from there, through Pruszków, they took us to Germany. Along the way, in the vicinity of Żelaznej Bramy Square, we were robbed of our valuables, while one of the girls walking with us was raped.

At this point the report was concluded and read out.