On 13 September 1947 in Toruń, Investigating Judge J. Malarski interviewed the person specified below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Zygmunt Wdowiszewski
Age 50
Names of parents Jan and Maria
Place of residence Toruń, Konopnickiej Street 19a, flat 2
Occupation associate professor and lecturer at Mikołaj Kopernik University

I was evicted from the house at Dworkowa Street 3 in Warsaw at the end of 1941. During the Uprising, I lived at Szczygla Street 3/5. I have no information about the execution of the civilians from the neighboring houses (Dworkowa Street, Puławska Street) at the beginning of August 1944. However, I know that the commander of the gendarmerie unit at Dworkowa Street 3 was Captain Pech, an engineer by trade, who was said to have lost an arm during the Uprising. Additionally, I can name Lieutenant Lifschütz and Staff Sergeant, or rather Wachtmeister Bodenstedt, the non-commissioned supply officers.

Even before the liquidation of the Ghetto, the gendarmerie unit from Dworkowa Street hired a couple dozen young Jews as craftsmen (shoemakers, tailors, carpenters). When they had finished their assignments, these Jews were executed on site on the orders of Captain Pech.

More details concerning the actions of the gendarmes can be provided by Szymański, the caretaker of the house in Dworkowa Street 3, who has been discharging his duties all the time and still lives there. I do not have any first-hand information and cannot say anything regarding the abovementioned events.