Alicja Gołębiowska
Class 5b
Elementary School no. 9 in Kielce

My most memorable moment from the German occupation

When the Germans took Poland, a terrible calamity befell the Polish nation. I remember many sad moments from the occupation. But one moment I remember most.

It was Sunday evening. I was with my grandmother, who was with her youngest son, 18 years old. He was getting ready to sleep. Then we heard the roar of a motor and German speech outside the window; they started pounding on the door. Fear seized us all and we had to open the door. The criminals entered the apartment, did not ask anything, looked sternly at the boy, and immediately began to beat him horribly with their rifle butts and pushed him from corner to corner. Grandma desperately begged them to have mercy on this child, but they didn’t care, and I couldn’t calm down for a long time because of fear and grief. So that the crying could not be heard, one of the criminals took the violin and played it, and seeing the grandmother crying, he hit her so that she would stop.

After they beat the boy, they took him from the apartment to the car and drove him away. Soon he was announced as a hostage, and later he wrote only one letter to his grandmother from the camp. And so far we have no news about him.