Warsaw, 22 November 1945. Examining Judge [no surname] interviewed the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the significance of the oath, the witness was sworn and testified as follows:

Name and surname Jadwiga Danuta Nowakowska
Date of birth 17 August 1908
Parents’ names Feliks and Janina
Place of residence Warsaw, Piusa XI Street 24/26
Occupation manager of the Graves Registration Department of the Polish Red Cross
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Criminal record none

In January or February 1945, while walking along Marszałkowska Street I saw a crowd of people at Anc’s Pharmacy (corner of Marszałkowska and Oleandrów Streets). I looked into the burnt-out basement and saw a few bodies lying amongst the rubble. Strictly speaking, these were human remains, but today I am unable to give a more detailed description. They were covered with snow. This was on the Marszałkowska Street side.

I later heard from a number of people – whose surnames I cannot provide – that during the Uprising the Germans would stand people in front of the pharmacy and execute them right there, and also that they would throw living people into the blazing building.

In August 1945, Anna Niesłuchowska reported to the Polish Red Cross; she gave official testimony concerning the murders committed by the Germans at Anc’s Pharmacy.

The witness attached a copy of the report dated 11 August 1945.

The report was read out.