Rudolf Szwagrzak
Class 5b
Stanisław Staszic Elementary School in Kielce

My memories of German crimes

I have terrible memories. I lived in the countryside in a forester’s lodge. The Germans set up a post in our house. Life was hard then. They banished us from the nice rooms and gave us a tiny room where we were very cramped.

The Germans caught people on the roads and beat them terribly, tying them to tables with special belts. Sometimes they shot at those whom they couldn’t capture at night. I was terrified when I heard the groaning of the beaten Poles. The Germans often beat me and set the dog on me. Sometimes I managed to help some poor man escape from the basement.

In 1943, my mom went to see her family in Warsaw. When the Uprising began, she was taken deep into Germany. Several months later we received news of her death. I cried for a long time for my mommy, but I had to accept my fate. This stuck in my memory.