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Search results (13)
Konopczyńska Jadwiga 1888?
TopicIntelligentsia at gunpoint – terror against the Polish elite
Wolter Władysław 05.02.1897, Vienna (Austria)
TopicIntelligentsia at gunpoint – terror against the Polish elite
LocationWrocław, prison, Kleczkowska Street 35 KL Dachau (Germany) Kraków, Montelupich Prison, Montelupich Street 7
Dawidowski Roman 1884?
TopicIntelligentsia at gunpoint – terror against the Polish elite
LocationKraków, Collegium Novum of the Jagiellonian University, Gołębia Street 24 Kraków
Gwiazdomorski Jan 04.02.1899, Kraków
TopicPolitics of the master race – institutions, economy, culture
LocationKraków KL Auschwitz-Birkenau Wrocław, prison, Kleczkowska Street 35 KL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg) KL Buchenwald (Germany)
Stuhr Oskar Tadeusz 08.10.1891, Kraków
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German factory of death
LocationKraków, Montelupich Prison, Montelupich Street 7 Nowy Wiśnicz, forced labor camp KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, roll call square
Semkowicz Władysław 08.05.1878, Lwów (Ukraine)
TopicPolitics of the master race – institutions, economy, culture
LocationKraków Lwów (now in Ukraine) Wrocław, prison, Kleczkowska Street 35 KL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg)
Olbrycht Jan 06.05.1886, Zahutyń
TopicIntelligentsia at gunpoint – terror against the Polish elite
LocationKraków KL Auschwitz-Birkenau Kobierzyn (Kraków), Mental Health Hospital, Babińskiego Street 29 German extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau KL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg) Kraków, Collegium Novum of the Jagiellonian University, Gołębia Street 24
Mazanek Stefan 1895
TopicThe persecuted church
LocationRadom, train station, Podjazdowa Street (Beliny-Prażmowskiego Street 2) Częstochowa Przemyśl Lublin Warsaw Radom, train station, Podjazdowa Street (Beliny-Prażmowskiego Street 2) Kraków, Montelupich Prison, Montelupich Street 7 Nowy Wiśnicz
Kościuszko Janina 17.05.1897, Chrzanów?
TopicAuschwitz-Birkenau – the German factory of death
LocationKL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau) KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), Ramp III KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, SS-Stabsgebaude KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), gas chambers and crematoriums II, III, IV, V German extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau Auschwitz-Birkenau, German extermination camp Rajsko, agricultural labor camp (subcamp of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau) Raisko (Rajsko), agricultural labor camp (subcamp of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau) KL Auschwitz I, Block 11 and Death Wall
Smoleń Kazimierz 15.11.1917, Łysa Góra (Brześć county)
TopicThe first at Auschwitz – transport from Tarnów
LocationŁódź Terezin (Czech Republic) KL Auschwitz I KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), "Little White House” KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), Familienlager Theresienstadt German extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau Auschwitz-Birkenau, German extermination camp KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), Zigeunerfamilienlager KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau) KL Auschwitz I, Block 11 and Death Wall KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), gas chambers and crematoriums II, III, IV, V KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), "Canada" Jaworzno, industrial labor camp (subcamp of KL Auschwitz-Birkenau) Wołkowysk (now in Belarus) Łódź KL Theresienstadt (Czech Republic) KL Auschwitz II (Birkenau), Ramp III Tarnów (małopolskie voivodeship), penal institution, Konarskiego Street 2 Wołkowysk (Belarus)
Lehr-Spławiński Tadeusz 1890?
TopicPolitics of the master race – institutions, economy, culture
LocationKraków, Collegium Novum of the Jagiellonian University, Gołębia Street 24 KL Dachau (Germany) Kraków, Montelupich Prison, Montelupich Street 7 Wrocław KL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg)
Stuhr Oskar Tadeusz 08.10.1891, Kraków
TopicIntelligentsia at gunpoint – terror against the Polish elite
LocationKraków, Collegium Novum of the Jagiellonian University, Gołębia Street 24 Bydgoszcz Kraków, Montelupich Prison, Montelupich Street 7 KL Mauthausen-Gusen (Austria) KL Auschwitz I Kraków, Gestapo headquarters, Pomorska Street 2 KL Auschwitz I, gas chamber and crematorium I Nowy Wiśnicz, forced labor camp KL Sachsenhausen (Germany, Oranienburg) Leksandrowa, cemetery of the victims of the Second World War KL Dachau (Germany) KL Auschwitz-Birkenau Odrowąż (Końskie district) KL Auschwitz-Birkenau Radom, train station, Podjazdowa Street (Beliny-Prażmowskiego Street 2) KL Auschwitz I, Block 10 KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, SS-Stabsgebaude Kraków, Kanoniczna Street 11 Bochnia, train station Kraków, Kalwaryjska Street 12
Gwiazdomorski Jan 1898?