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Main Page Search phrase: [Location = Łuck \(Ukraina, obwód wołyński\), Obóz przejściowy]

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Search results (23)

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Radtke Józef 25.02.1900


The epilogue to September 1939 – Polish soldiers in Soviet captivity




Totskoye (Russia, Orenburg Oblast) Łuck (now in Ukraine) Zdołbunów (now in Ukraine) Shepetivka (Ukraine), transit camp Ostróg (now in Ukraine), transit camp (Barracks of the 19th Volhynian Uhlan Regiment) Dubno (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Równe (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Zhytomyr (Ukraine) Starobilsk (Ukraine), NKVD POW camp


Rysak Bolesław 1909?


The epilogue to September 1939 – Polish soldiers in Soviet captivity




Shepetivka (Ukraine), transit camp Lublin Łuck (now in Ukraine) Dubno (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Zdołbunów (now in Ukraine) Zhytomyr (Ukraine) Novohrad-Volynskyi (Ukraine) Zaporizhia (Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Sevzheldorlag (Russia, Komi Republic) Talitsa (Russia, Ivanovskaya Oblast), NKVD camp for POWs


Juszczyk Mieczysław 15.08.1905, Łódź


The epilogue to September 1939 – Polish soldiers in Soviet captivity


1939.08.24 -1941


Warsaw, Rakowiecka Street Shepetivka (Ukraine), transit camp Stare Babice Warsaw, Saska Kępa Brześć (now in Belarus) Dubno (now in Ukraine) Zdołbunów (now in Ukraine) Kowel (now in Ukraine) Ostróg (now in Ukraine), transit camp (Barracks of the 19th Volhynian Uhlan Regiment) Olesko (Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Angielówka (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Hoszcza (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Angielówka (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Mościska (now in Ukraine), POW forced labor camp Kamionka Las (now in Ukraine), forced labor camp for POWs Starobilsk (Ukraine), NKVD POW camp Totskoye (Russia, Orenburg Oblast) Łuck (now in Ukraine) Sarny (now in Ukraine) Stanisławów (Ivano-Frankivsk, now in Ukraine) KL Dachau (Germany)